Saturday, September 06, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Well its Sunday and fathers day and after a few wines last night I dont feel like doing anything much.
Seems like everyone elase around here is feeding off my
I have just finished my LO for the first week of Scraptaculars SYTYCS comp and uploaded it. Here
if you want to take a look.
Fingers crossed I make it through to round 2. Theres so many lovely LO's on the gallery already.

The kids gave DH there presents this morning. Kids get so excited about these days dont they.....gotta love there little hearts.
Got my mum coming over for lunch and then the kids and I are going to go see dad. So the day is about to get busy....gotta find the energy from somewhere
So thats my boring lot for the weekend.
Till next week have a great day everyone.

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