Monday, February 12, 2007

Crop for the Kids

We are having an All Day Crop to raise money for the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. We would love for this to be a huge event within the Victorian Scrapbooking community and hope that you can all help us achieve our goal of donating a sizable amount to this very worthwhile
Crop for Kids
The Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal
When: Friday 6th April 2007
Where: Mulgrave Community Centre
355 Wellington Road, Mulgrave (MelRef 80 D1)
Time: 10am - 5pm
Entry Fee: $25
We hope to reach our goal by holding raffles, auctions and competitions throughout the day. Please check back next week as we start to add some very exciting news about the event.
Also if anyone has any ideas or would like to help out please contact us at
Heres the blog site so u can keep informed:
Hope you can make it.


fleurie said...

thankss for that lea...sounds awesome...i wsill try and go for sure...its mmy birthday after all

Nik said...

Hey Leanne I have posted this on all my groups too. Fingers crossed it is a great day for you..

Colour Your Memories said...

Thanks Nik and you definitely have to go Fleur.

fleurie said...

HI Lea...
was wondering if you are still going to this crop
ive inquired about let me would be great to go together...